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Friday, November 8, 2013

My Child, My World....

I am writing this in response to a very popular blog post that I saw posted on Facebook recently, felt like something needed to be said. I don't want this to come across the wrong way, as I am sure it might. I do not doubt that this mother loves her children more than the entire world, as I am SURE she does. 

I felt a bit uneasy after reading this blog post though, almost like it was a slap in the face to mothers who feel differently. See, although I agree with some of the points that she makes in her post, and I actually see a lot of truth in it.....MY CHILDREN ARE MY WORLD. The day starts and ends with them on my mind, my world DOES revolve around them. I guess my point is, even so, I do NOT agree that I am enabling them to become a problem to society further down the line. Just because my children are MY WORLD, does not mean I won't teach them discipline, or how to respect authority. 

As a matter of fact, because they ARE MY WORLD I will do just that. I have to admit, that I WILL pick them up when they cry, and I will put "sunshine" on all of their ouchies...well, at least until they are old enough to push me away anyway. If my little man wants to play with toy guns, I will let him. I will let them figure out some of life's hard lessons on their own, and I will be there if it all falls through. I will be their safety net in this harsh world, a place where they can always come for TRUTH and love. I won't shelter them from the fact that our world is not a pretty place sometimes, most of the time actually. But you can bet that I will be there when that world turns its back, I WILL be there to run to.

I WILL teach my kids that they should be kind to everyone despite their race, social status, abilities, etc... and I will rep-remand  them if I find out that they are behaving in ways that signal out and hurt another individual. "Bullying" as it's being called now-a-days is NEVER ok, and it's not wrong for me to teach them that. I will show them how to stand up for themselves and how to deal with "bullying" if it ever surfaces on their end. They will know how to deal with rejection and pain, as I did as a teenager. I won't sugar coat it, but I will be there if it happens to help them get through it. My parents were there for me when I was signaled out in High-school, when I felt like I did not have a friend in the world who understood what I was going through. My parents were there for me, they saved me. I will save my children. They ARE MY WORLD. 

I WILL NOT ignore my children when they use bad manners, instead, I will teach them the correct way to behave. I will be strong and consistent, so they do not get mixed signals as to what is acceptable behavior and what is not. I will not ignore my children. 

We see a lot of negative things these days. We see schools being shot up by students, we see the places we  used to believe safe, becoming places we no longer want to take our families. We see a lot of children and adults who have been neglected having no where to turn, turning to violence. My children will ALWAYS be able to turn to me. I won't always be able to protect them, and I won't always give them all the answers....they will need to figure out a lot of that on their own.  My children will be problem solvers, and self thinkers.....but they will always have their Mom and Dad when there is no one else, why? Because THEY WILL ALWAYS BE OUR WORLD.

Ok, I'm done now.   

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